A four-year -old boy Lingomso Mhamha, from a small village called Mafini, in Umtata, Eastern Cape has received the much needed heart surgery last month. Since birth, Lingomso was constantly ill, until doctors at the Eastern Cape Provincial Hospital discovered that he an atrial septal defect, a birth defect of the heart in which there is a hole in the wall (septum).
The surgery means that the youngster will be able to go to creche and play with other kids, says his grandmom Ntombizonke Nyenyiso, who accompanied the little one for the two week stay while doctors were preparing for the heart surgery.
“I’m grateful that my boy will have a happy childhood. He will be able to play with his mates. After this operation Lingomso will be healthy to start preschool,” she said.
Yenyiso says the family was excited when they found out that Lingomso will receive the much needed surgery to close the hole in his heart, after three years on the waiting list.
Lingomso’s heart surgery was operated at Busamed Hospital Modderfontein by an, “amazing hospital crew that treated us like royalty, said Yenyiso that the boy is recovering well.
“He is healed from the pain that he endured for three years. No parent wants to see their child in pain, let alone see them suffer a serious illness. And against all odds we have conquered our fear of heights, and indeed “Lingomso” which means “tomorrow”, tomorrow was a different day after the surgery.”
The operation was made possible by Busamed Private Hospital Group together with its partners, Pelo Foundation, a non-profit organization that raises funds and awareness for children in serious need of heart treatment and surgeries.
Lingomso and his grandmom were flown from Eastern Cape to Johannesburg and back home with the assistance of Wings and Wishes, an organisation that raises funds to transport sick children and an accompanying guardian from their homes to the hospitals and back.
“I used to pray every day for the operation to be a success.” said Nyenyiso.
August 22, 2024
August 20, 2024
August 13, 2024