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Hospital Visiting Policy – Effective from the 26th of October 2020

October 20, 2020

Hospital Visiting Policy – Effective from the 26th of October 2020 - featured image

Busamed Lowveld Private Hospital has reviewed our visiting policy and we have implemented limited visiting. However, in order to ensure the safety of your loved one, other patients, staff and yourself we request that the following guidelines are followed:

  • Between 11:00 and 12:00 – patients will be allowed to have 1 (one) visitor per day for 30 minutes
  • Visitors must be 18 years and older, except in exceptional circumstances that are approved by Hospital Management.
  • Visitors may only visit 1 patient in the hospital and may not visit other patients or walk around the hospital.
  • Prior to entering the hospital all visitors must undergo COVID-19 screening, PPE is to be maintained (masks are to be worn at all times and must cover nose and mouth) and compliance to hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
  • All visitors are to maintain social distancing (1.5m) from the patient that is being visited and with all other interactions whilst in the hospital.

High Care Unit – for patients admitted into the High Care Unit, visitors are to please contact the unit to see if visiting is allowed before coming to the hospital. This will be dependent on the occupancies in the ward. The unit can be contacted on Tel: +27 13 762 0419.

Paediatric patients (aged 14 and under) – Paediatric patients may be accompanied by one parent/legal guardian/designated carer. It is requested that this remains the same person throughout the admission.


  • Any visitor who fails to adhere to the Busamed guidelines is abusive or aggressive to staff will be required to leave and will not be allowed to visit again.
  • Any visitor who is showing any signs of illness will be asked to leave.
  • A visitor register will be maintained for every patient, this register is in addition to the screening upon entry to the hospital.
  • Busamed reserves the right to change the Visiting Policy at any time should the circumstances change.

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