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Ophthalmic surgery gives Mr Silubane independence

November 13, 2020

Ophthalmic surgery gives Mr Silubane independence - featured image

Mr Henry Silubane aged 59 received life changing ophthalmic surgery at Busamed Lowveld Private Hospital all thanks to the kindness of his treating doctors.

Mr Silubane had lost sight in his left eye due to diabetic eye disease. His family managed to source funds for Mr Silubane to have cataract surgery done in the right eye in September 2020, but due to the severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy in the right eye, Mr Silubane required further retinal surgery in the form of a pars plana vitrectomy.

Knowing that the cost of the surgery would be prohibitive, Dr Dean van der Westhuizen (Ophthalmologist) approached the hospital as well as his colleague’s Dr Ivan Doncaster (Anaesthetist) and Dr Jan Niemandt (Retinal specialist in Ophthalmology) to perform the surgery at no cost to the patient. The doctors and the hospital agreed, and Mr Silubane underwent his eye surgery on the 23rd of October 2020.

The procedure was necessary to reattach the retina as well as remove the bleeding and fluid caused by the damaged blood vessels which was limiting his vision.

Before the procedure Mr Silubane had to be assisted when performing basic tasks such as walking and dressing himself. The results after the surgery have allowed him to become more independent and he is now able to walk and navigate through doors and other areas on his own as well as perform other basic functions without any assistance.

Thank you to our doctors for this amazing initiative.